The silly season is over, you’re popping antacids like candy and impressive muffin tops bloom over the fab new bikini or Speedos you shouted yourself for the holidays. Time to counter-attack with some serious resolutions! You can, and should, invoke the usual suspects: diet, exercise, and a cut-back on alcohol. But the most effective rejuvenation begins deep on the inside.
Your digestive system, liver and kidneys are the target points of overindulgence and they’ve been under assault of late. Think about it. When vital organs are over-taxed and sluggish, how can they perform efficiently?
Natural detoxification occurs primarily in the digestive tract and liver, but if these processes are not operating properly, toxins will run riot throughout your body.
Acupuncture is a dynamic way to kick-start your resolution to get back to optimum health. It works by stimulating key points in your body to improve circulation of the blood, and the body’s vital life force, which natural therapists call Qi.
When targeted at the digestive system, acupuncture helps reduce gastric acid secretion, helps nourish related organs, and contributes to the improved functionality of the liver and kidneys. Acupuncture is a highly effective, drug-free, safe and completely natural approach to detoxifying, regaining and maintaining optimum digestive health, while restoring health and harmony to your body overall, particularly when supported by a healthy diet and exercise plan.
So pick up the phone today and book in for a session with one of our highly qualified acupuncture practitioners. It may also be beneficial for you to talk with us about our naturally healing range of traditional Chinese medicine to complement your treatments. Congratulations on taking this first step to getting your health back on track, and happy new year!
Call Albert and the team on 03 9886 9938 or email us.