Acupuncture & Chinese medicine


Banish Winter-Blues! Acupuncture For Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Those who find themselves a ‘little down’ or suffering from ‘winter blues’ may be suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder. Here’s the rundown of what this actually means, the signs to look out for and the best treatments and advice.

How Can Acupuncture “Banish” Hay-Fever This Summer?

A summer of soaring temperatures and time spent outside enjoying nature sounds wonderful. But for some the summer is a dreaded time. For hay fever sufferers the summer means tears, snot, sneezing, congestion and itchy eyes. There are many pharmaceutical products for sale, all purporting to alleviate the symptoms of hay fever. But they’re usually short […]

Can Acupuncture Really Help You Get Pregnant?

Lots of couples who are experiencing difficulties conceiving are turning to Acupuncture in support of fertility treatments, or to help prepare their bodies for pregnancy. Here’s why:- 1. Stress Reduction If you’re stressed about trying to conceive, research shows you have 12% less chance of falling pregnancy. From a biological perspective, it makes sense for the […]

Acupuncture During Pregnancy Third Trimester – 4 Ways It Can Help

I’ve had a lot of success with my patients, helping them fall pregnant or relieving pain and stress. Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture during the third trimester of pregnancy are normally used for treatment of these 4 areas. Reduce Pregnancy Pelvic And Back Pain With Acupuncture During the your 3rd Trimester your pelvic ligaments soften to ready […]

Sound Sleep Secrets – Feel Refreshed Every Day

Great sleep makes you productive, energetic, mentally sharp and ready for a full day. Lack of quality sleep can have some seriously adverse effects on your health, as well as making you irritable and slow. To get the deep restorative sleep your body needs is going to take a well-planned strategy. You might not get it […]

Get Some ‘Oomph’ – Avoid These 5 Stress Causing Foods

Feeling under pressure, got a lack of energy, or showing any of these 7 hidden signs of stress? If you are you’ll want to avoid these 5 surprising stress inducing foods: 1. Cheese We’ve all heard that cheese before bedtime can cause strange dreams but cheese can wreak havoc on your digestive system. It takes around […]

Ignore These At Your Peril – 7 Hidden Signs Of Stress:

Stress kills in such astronomical numbers it makes Genghis Khan seem positively humane. 7 people have died, due to stress, in the 2 seconds you just spent reading these words. So why aren’t lots more of us being diagnosed and treated for it? I believe the answer lies in how stress can hide within your body. […]

5 Body Signs You Really Shouldn’t Ignore

If we don’t look after ourselves properly, our bodies are very effective in ‘telling’ us there’s a problem – displaying symptoms like fatigue, poor memory, poor mood, poor sleep, sluggish bowels and other concerns. Often we buy over the counter medicines to relieve these issues but don’t address the root cause of the problem and this […]

Traditional Chinese medicine for men’s health

The core understanding of the male and female body by traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is the same, with both having similar organ function, meridians and points. There are obvious physiological differences between the sexes; but while the male body is simpler and less prone to problems, they tend to be more at risk because they seek […]