For many of us the late summer Easter holiday is an irresistible temptation to veg out and over indulge in long lazy lunches, family feasts…..and the decadent delights of the choc-a-thon. Celebrating life and sharing with others is what Easter is all about, and the giving and receiving of Easter eggs and treats this year amounted to a staggering $231 million in retail sales. That’s an awful lot of sugar and kilojoule consumption in just a few weeks!
Type 2 Diabetes and obesity are on a steady increase, and it’s easy to see why. But chocolate eggs aside, controlling kilojoule intake is not as simple as it might seem.
Firstly we don’t always know what we’re eating, as manufactured foods often contain hidden fats, salts and additives.
The temptation to overeat is all around us, particularly in mid-range restaurants where servings are more fitted to the dietary requirements of a dockside worker than an office desk jockey. And far too often our fast-paced lives necessitate equally fast meal solutions, balanced with a steady supply of antacids.
Nobody says balancing temptation with temperance is easy, but you don’t have to do it all on your own. Skilled and knowledgeable practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine have a battery of treatments and supplements to support your resolution to shed weight and gain control over your health.
Acupuncture can help reduce total cholesterols levels, triglycerides and LDL cholesterol, by mobilising natural energy stores. It also promotes and helps maintain sound sleeping patterns, which in turn are beneficial to weight reduction and ongoing weight control.
A sensible and moderate eating plan based around healthy fresh food, supported by natural dietary supplements is highly beneficial, and beginning an exercise regime will also speed up progress. This is again where acupuncture can become your new best friend, as it can bring relief from the pain brought on unaccustomed strain on muscles and joints.
Chinese herbal medicine is another effective tool for weight loss and improved health. It can aid in processing fats more efficiently, in preventing the accumulation of unhealthy fats and fluids in the body, can boost metabolic function and provide the energy burst and a sense of well-being that will support your efforts.
For more information on acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicines to help you regain your optimum health and body weight, contact us at Meridian Medical Centre by email, or call 03 9886 9938.