What Can Acupuncture Treat?
Acupuncture can work quickly and effectively in the following areas – click a link to learn more and see proof of acupuncture clinical studies in each area…
- Arthritis
- Depression
- Weight Loss
- Sciatica & Back Pack Pain
- Stress & Anxiety
- Migraines and Headaches
- Insomnia & Sleep Disorders
- Pain & Inflammation
- Fertility, Pregnancy & IVF Support
For the full list of treatments click here
What Results Can I Expect?
Below are typical results based on my experiences in my clinic, and evidenced by clinical research studies, over the many years I’ve been practising Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture…
Remember, each patient is individual and the figures are for general information and guidelines only…
- 70-90% of patients experience results within 3-4 sessions
- 40-70% of patients experience results within 1 session
- 10-20% of patients experience no results from acupuncture
(Learn more about Fertility, Pregnancy & IVF Support – they are NOT included in the figures above for obvious reasons.)
Find out below why patients typically see results in their very first session…
Does Acupuncture Hurt?
The short answer is NO.
It creates a feeling of tingling, warmth and heaviness… and 99.9% of the time is a pleasant and relaxing experience.
Scared of needles?
…we have laser acupuncture available!
How Many Acupuncture Sessions Will You Need?
To start: 4 sessions in the first 14 days – day 1, day 3, day 7 and day 14
Followed by: Weekly/Fortnightly sessions for 1-3 months
Followed by: Monthly sessions if necessary
The start is usually similar for the majority of conditions but follow up treatments can vary dramatically depending on the severity and condition being treated.
How Does Acupuncture Work?
The easiest way to think about acupuncture is like this…
Western doctors don’t heal you when they stitch your skin together…
…They are simply making it easier for your body to heal itself.
ALL medicine is like this.
Doctors AGREE drugs and surgery don’t heal us… we heal ourselves.
Doctors also agree the brain controls all of our organs… and every process which regulates our body.
Your brain doesn’t ‘travel’ around your body’s organs to give instructions on what to do next…
Your brain uses electrical and chemical signals to communicate.
Acupuncture simply taps into and stimulates the necessary communication channels so your body can heal itself.
This is why patients typically see results in their very first session… because acupuncture taps right into the communication channel.
(Want a more ‘technical’ explanation of acupuncture – click here )