Nicotine’s strong addictive qualities make quitting smoking a tough task for many smokers.
Ultimately, whatever helps someone stop smoking is worth it for long term health.
Acupuncture helps reduce cravings, irritability and restlessness while promoting calm and relaxation. When combined with Chinese Herbs it also helps detoxify your body and kick-start your healing processes.
Many ex-smokers start smoking again, not because of the physical cravings but because of the habit of ‘lighting up’
It can feel like there’s something missing and you should find healthy ways to occupy your time.
A 5 year study conducted by the National Institute Of Health in the USA confirmed Acupuncture helps motivated smokers reduce or quit their smoking and the effect can last up to the full 5 years. Interestingly, the results were far better during the treatment period. It was only after treatment stopped some former smokers chose to start again.
I personally see a 60-80% response rate in patients who are trying to quit smoking.
This varies by individual but as a rough guide:
If you were stopping smoking immediately and coming in for your first session – for the first 2 weeks 2 treatments per week, then weekly treatments for another 2-4 weeks.
Feel free to call me and discuss your options or make an online booking – your first session is just $49