When it comes to alternative therapies, acupuncture is certainly one that comes to mind for treating a variety of ailments including heart disease.
Angina and high blood pressure are both issues that affect the heart and they can both be successfully treated with acupuncture therapy.
Unfortunately heart disease can be slightly more serious, with 2 out of 3 Australian families affected by heart disease, and an Australian dying from the disease every twelve minutes.
Heart disease, or congestive heart failure, is a condition where the heart is unable to pump sufficient blood to the rest of the body and can range from slight to severe – with severe cases meaning that the person is unable to walk without oxygen.
With such a large volume of cases, it’s not surprising that many patients are increasingly turning towards acupuncture as a reliable treatment to help with blood circulation.
In acupunture, there are invisible pathways that connect one body part to another. These pathways are called meridians. They are located over major nerve pathways and are accessed when the needle enters. Stimulting these pathways, or meridians, sends impulses to the brain activating different areas. Some affect pain and some regulate the cardiovascular system.
The long answer would be to refer to the study conducted by The World health Organization, which showed acupuncture to be more effective than nifedipine and isosorbide dinitrate.
The short answer here is yes it can!