Those who find themselves a ‘little down’ or suffering from ‘winter blues’ may be suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder.
Here’s the rundown of what this actually means, the signs to look out for and the best treatments and advice.
What Is Seasonal Affective Disorder
As summer ends and nights get longer and colder, a person’s mood can be affected.
Essentially a type of depression, individual cases can range from trouble sleeping soundly, eating differently and lower energy levels to being seriously depressed.
Signs of Seasonal Affective Disorder
Besides feeling down, having a lack of energy or feeling depressed, common signs of SAD are…
Treatments For Seasonal Affective Disorder
Of course every treatment is individual. Here’s some things to try yourself…
Don’t be afraid to seek help – a study shows acupuncture to be as effective as Prozac in treating depression – read more on our Acupuncture for Depression page
Facts About Seasonal Affective Disorder?
The first thing anyone suffering signs of SAD should be to seek help – feel free to book in or give me, Dr. Tsai a call on 1300 886 668 for more information.